Presentacion; Presentaciones
= account, display, disposition, exposition, layout, lecture, presentation, presentation, speech, submission, delivery, introduction, look and feel, debriefing, skin, rendition, rendering, rollout [roll-out], viewing, show.
Ex: In the interests of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
Ex: However, the display of the index entries differs.
Ex: Their main concern was the readable disposition of machine readable records.
Ex: Ninety-nine years ago Charles Cutter began his exposition of a set of cataloging rules with the following objectives.
Ex: Diagrammatic presentation of the layout of the collection conveniently placed, for example, near the entrance.
Ex: The staff undertake searches and enquiries for the user and educate the user by various ways, from informal discussion to fully prepared lectures.
Ex: KWOC or Keyword Out of Context indexes are intended to improve upon KWIC indexes, with regards to layout and presentation.
Ex: There are two other aspects of institutions I want to consider before moving to the closing section of this presentation.
Ex: For the sake of editorial continuity, those speeches which were given at both locations (for example, Mr. Gorman's presentation) are only printed here once.
Ex: Most commercial abstracting services rely upon the refereeing procedure applied to the original document in order to eliminate insignificant and inaccurate submissions.
Ex: Just as delivery must be tuned to suit the kind of material chosen, so must the language used to tell a story.
Ex: Frequently, a tour of the library is provided for the new trustee, with introductions to available staff members.
Ex: Paperback publishers know how strong an influence the look and feel of a book can have in attracting or repelling buyers.
Ex: Students will write final essays on their search, and debriefings will be conducted in the classroom.
Ex: Skin technology in Web gateways allows systems to be personalized for grupos of users.
Ex: Librarians find this rendition of the public library story comforting, for it is quite fashionable to be identified with idealistic and humanitarian reform in this country.
Ex: It is proposed that a dictionary of personal proper names be compiled as a way to reach uniformity in the rendering of foreign personal names into Russian Cyrillic and back into the Latin alphabet.
Ex: The interview provides a behind-the-scenes look at the company's preparation for the service's official rollout in Summer 2000.
Ex: There will be a private viewing for conference-goers of Chicago's Art Institute and a reception at the Newberry Library with culinary delights created by Chef Louis Szathmary.
Ex: All interested parties were summoned to further cooperate for the success of the show.
* carta de presentación = cover letter, letter of introduction, calling card.
* claridad de presentación = clarity of presentation.
* convocatoria de presentación de artículos = call for papers.
* convocatoria de presentación de candidaturas = call for nominations.
* convocatoria de presentación de comunicaciones = call for papers.
* convocatoria de presentación de ponencias = call for papers.
* convocatoria de presentación de proyectos = call for projects, project plan, call for proposals.
* convocatoria de presentación de solicitudes = call for expressions of interest.
* dispositivo de presentación visual = VDU (Visual Display Unit).
* forma de presentación = form of presentation.
* formato de presentación con identificadores = labelled format.
* formato de presentación en columnas = tabular format.
* formato de presentación en pantalla = screen display format.
* formato de presentación en papel = hardcopy format.
* hacer una presentación = make + presentation, give + a talk, give + a presentation.
* hace una presentación = give + speech.
* modo de presentación visual = display device.
* nivel de presentación = level of presentation.
* página de presentación = home page [homepage].
* plazo de presentación = call for projects, call for papers.
* plazo de presentación de proyectos = call for proposals.
* portada de presentación = home page [homepage].
* presentación anticipada = preview.
* presentación circular de títulos = wrap-around.
* presentación comercial = technical presentation.
* presentación conjunta = packaging.
* presentación de diapositivas = slide show [slideshow].
* presentación de diapositivas con cinta = tape/slide show.
* presentación de informes = reporting.
* presentación de la página = page layout.
* presentación de la sobrecubierta = blurb, jacket blurb.
* presentación de libros = book talk [booktalk/book-talk].
* presentación de uno mismo = self-presentation.
* presentación en = commitment.
* presentación en línea = online display.
* presentación en pantalla = display, online display.
* presentación en vídeo = video display.
* presentación gráfica de términos permutados = permuted display.
* presentación mediante ordenador = computer projection.
* presentación multimedia = multimedia presentation, multimedia show.
* presentación oral = oral presentation.
* presentación sistemática = classified display.
* presentación técnica = technical presentation.
* presentación visual = visual presentation.
* relacionado con la presentación de evidencias = evidentiary.
* sesión de presentaciones informales = poster session.
* tarjeta de presentación = business card, calling card, visiting card.